Mutual funds

Simplify your processes with our endless opportunities


Whether alone or as a complement to a larger investment strategy, NBI Mutual Funds seek to provide risk-adjusted investment returns over the long term, catering to multiple investment profiles. Search our full lineup of mutual funds.


Money Market Funds

These funds are for investors who:

  • Have cash to invest in the short term
  • Like to have easy access to their money
  • Are looking to achieve a more balanced portfolio by including a fund with a high level of security
Fund names Fund codes (F Series) Monthly profile Fund facts
NBI Money Market Fund NBC715   PDF   PDF     Send by email

Short Term and Income Funds

These funds are for investors who:

  • Are looking to rebalance their portfolios
  • Are willing to compose with a volatility level somewhere between low and moderate
Fund names Fund codes  (F Series) Monthly profile Fund facts
NBI Target 2025 Investment Grade Bond Fund
NBC9225  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Target 2026 Investment Grade Bond Fund NBC9226  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Target 2027 Investment Grade Bond Fund NBC9227  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Target 2028 Investment Grade Bond Fund NBC9228  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Target 2029 Investment Grade Bond Fund NBC9229  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Target 2030 Investment Grade Bond Fund NBC9230  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Target 2031 Investment Grade Bond Fund NBC9231  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Canadian Core Plus Bond Fund NBC5757  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Floating Rate Income Fund NBC729  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Bond Fund NBC740  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Global Tactical Bond Fund NBC725  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Global Tactical Bond Fund (US $) NBC5733  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Unconstrained Fixed Income Fund NBC705  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Corporate Bond Fund NBC749  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI High Yield Bond Fund NBC713  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Preferred Equity Income Fund NBC780  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Preferred Equity Fund NBC710  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Jarislowsky Fraser Select Income Fund NBC3700  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Presumed Sound Investments Fund NBC9799  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Sustainable Canadian Bond Fund NBC5752  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Sustainable Global Bond Fund NBC5716  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Senior Loan Fund NBC5717  PDF  PDF     Send by email

Diversified Funds

These funds are for investors who:

  • Are looking for a more controlled risk environment
  • Are looking for a greater balance between bonds and equities
Fund names Fund codes (F Series)     Monthly profile       Fund facts  
NBI Jarislowsky Fraser Select Balanced Fund NBC3701  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Tactical Asset Allocation Fund NBC3738  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Global Balanced Growth Fund NBC5737  PDF  PDF     Send by email

Canadian Equity Funds

These funds are for investors who:

  • Like to invest in the Canadian market
  • Can tolerate a volatility level somewhere between moderate and high
Fund names Fund codes (F Series)     Monthly profile     Fund facts
NBI Canadian Equity Fund NBC3702  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI SmartBeta Low Volatility Canadian Equity Fund NBC796  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Canadian All Cap Equity Fund NBC785  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Canadian Equity Growth Fund NBC787  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Small Cap Fund NBC741  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Quebec Growth NBC760  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Sustainable Canadian Equity Fund NBC5753  PDF  PDF     Send by email

Global Equity Funds

These funds are for investors who:

  • Are looking to maximize long-term growth by diversifying investments
  • Are willing to invest in international markets
  • Can tolerate a volatility level somewhere between moderate and high
Fund names Fund codes (F Series) Monthly profile   Fund facts
NBI Active U.S. Equity Fund NBC5741  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Global Small Cap Fund Series NBC5756  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI SmartBeta Low Volatility Global Equity Fund NBC798  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Global Equity Fund NBC767  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI International Equity Fund NBC5703  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Global Diversified Equity Fund NBC482  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Global Real Assets Income Fund NBC3799  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI SmartData U.S. Equity Fund NBC790  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI U.S. Equity Fund NBC743  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI SmartData International Equity Fund NBC791  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Diversified Emerging Markets Equity Fund
NBC773  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Sustainable Global Equity Fund
NBC5754  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Active International Equity Fund
NBC5455  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Active Global Equity Fund
NBC5740  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Global Climate Ambition Fund
NBC5718  PDF  PDF     Send by email

Specialty Funds

These funds are for investors who:

  • Are looking to reinvest for the long term
  • Are willing to contribute to the growth of the natural resources industry by investing in specialty funds
Fund names Fund codes (F Series) Monthly Profile Fund facts
NBI Resource Fund NBC744  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Precious Metal Fund NBC457  PDF  PDF     Send by email
NBI Innovators Fund NBC779  PDF  PDF     Send by email

Featured funds

Discover the latest funds created to suit a diverse range of needs and investment strategies.

NBI Target Maturity Investment Grade Bond Funds

Sub-advised by AlphaFixe Capital Inc.

  • Bond exposure adjusted based on market conditions and investment cycles
  • Focus on discounted bonds offering attractive after-tax returns

NBI SmartData Equity Funds

Sub-advised by Goldman Sachs Asset Management L.P.

  • Quantitative rules based approach

  • Uses proprietary machine learning software to analyze big data themes

  • Combines human judgment with processed unstructured data to transform big data into actionable ideas and results

NBI International Equity Fund

Sub-advised by PineStone Asset Management inc.

  • Fund provides exposure to equity markets located outside of North America.

  • Allows investors to increase their portfolio’s geographic diversification while reducing its sector concentration in financial, energy, and tech stocks which dominate the Canadian and U.S. landscape.

NBI Global Equity Fund

Sub-advised by PineStone Asset Management inc.

  • The Fund invests in companies that are market leaders in an attractive industry with a dominant competitive position and a compelling valuation.

  • The process involves gradually building positions as conviction in the company grows.

NBI Quebec Growth Fund

Sub-advised by Fiera Capital Corporation

  • Diversified mix of companies selected without regard to market capitalization.

  • Wide range of economic sectors.

  • High conviction stock selection strategy.

NBI Unconstrained Fixed Income

Sub-advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management

  • Vast investment flexibility

  • Disciplined risk targets

  • Unconstrained

  • Uncorrelated sources of return

NBI Innovators Fund

Sub-advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management

  • Allows you to increase portfolio diversification

  • Generates dividend income

  • Low correlation with Canadian equities and bonds

NBI High Yield Bond Fund

Sub-advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management

  • Adjusted based on changing market conditions.

  • Managed by one of the largest and most experienced fixed income managers in the world.

NBI Global Real Assets Income Fund

Sub-advised by Nuveen Asset Management, LLC

  • Allows you to increase portfolio diversification

  • Generates dividend income

  • Low correlation with Canadian equities and bonds

NBI Canadian All Cap Equity Fund

Sub-advised by Manulife Investment Management Limited

  • Value oriented investment strategy
  • ESG analysis is an integral part of the investment process

NBI Preferred Equity Fund

Sub-advised by Intact Investment Management Inc

  • Generate high dividend income with a Canadian portfolio

  • Get a focus asset class strategy for preferred shares

  • Take advantage of fluctuations prevailing in the market

NBI Jarislowsky Fraser Income Fund

Sub-advised by Jarislowsky Fraser Limited

  • Strategic shift between high quality corporate bonds and stocks

  • Target asset mix: 30% equity, 70% fixed income

  • 4% target annual distribution rate (paid monthly)


Legal notes

The information and the data supplied on the current page of this site, including those supplied by third parties, are considered accurate at the time of their publication and were obtained from sources which we considered reliable. We reserve the right to modify them without advance notice. This information and data are supplied as informative content only. No representation or guarantee, explicit or implicit, is made as for the exactness, the quality and the complete character of this information and these data. The opinions expressed are not to be construed as solicitation or offer to buy or sell shares mentioned herein and should not be considered as recommendations.

NBI Funds (the “Funds”) are offered by National Bank Investments Inc., an indirect and wwholly owned subsidiary of National Bank of Canada, and sold by authorized dealers. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus of the Funds before investing. 

The Funds’ securities are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer. For the NBI Money Market Fund, there can be no assurances that it will be able to maintain its net asset value per security at a constant amount or that the full amount of the investment in it will be returned. The Funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

® NATIONAL BANK INVESTMENTS is a registered trademark of National Bank of Canada, used under licence by National Bank Investments Inc.
National Bank Investments is a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, a member of Canada’s Responsible Investment Association, and a founding participant in the Climate Engagement Canada initiative.